How do our visitors’ rate AquaVera?

Sondeo de opinión parque acuático AquaVera

Did you know that more than 90% of our users in 2020 rated our attractions positively or very positively? This is reflected in the survey we carried out a few months ago, among last season´s customers. We wanted to know their experience with our facilities, services and some fundamental aspects of the park in order to continue to improve our offer. And the results could not have been more satisfactory.

Among other things, we were very interested to see what you thought of the measures taken against COVID-19, but also how well all the facilities worked in order to take into account suggestions and comments.

The vast majority of respondents (93%) were very satisfied with their last visit to the park, which motivates us to continue working to make your visit an unforgettable one. In addition, the perception of the park’s cleanliness stands out, as no one rated it negatively. Added to this is the professionalism and friendliness of our staff, with over 90% positive ratings.

Measures against COVID-19

At the moment, the Levante of Almeria, has COVID alert level 1, allowing us to relax some of the restrictions, such as the limitation on occupancy, which has been eliminated, but the 1.5 metres safety distance is maintained. In addition, we will continue with the anti-COVID protocols that rendered such good results last season and which have been so well appreciated by our customers (85% of our visitors considered the sanitary measures adopted during the summer to be very adequate), with two daily disinfections of the facilities, continuous and constant disinfection of changing rooms and toilets, reduction of the number of sunbeds to respect the safety distance, hydroalcoholic gel dispensers distributed throughout the park, etc. The use of face masks is still compulsory indoors and outdoors, except when using the attractions, in the bathing areas and attractions or when you are enjoying one of our sunbeds.

“85% of our visitors considered the sanitary measures taken against COVID-19 to be very adequate”

Likewise, the treatment of the water in our swimming pools scrupulously follows the current regional legislation, which makes our facilities one of the safest places to enjoy a good day of leisure and fun for the whole family. Last season we published all the daily and routine analyses of the water in the pools, including chlorine, pH, turbidity and temperature values, on our web site. These data were available to anyone, client or not, who wished to consult them, and this will continue to be the case this season 2021.

Eating at AquaVera: a success

Regarding the restaurant service, more than 72% of the people who answered, acknowledged having eaten at the park and rated it as very satisfactory. Although this is a good result, we are aware that we must double our efforts to ensure that our gastronomic offer is on a par with the rest of the services we offer at the park. That is why, this year, in our menu, as well as finding the usual menus and combos, you will discover many gastronomic novelties, such as new pizzas, varied pastas and options for coeliac sufferers and vegetarians. Not forgetting that we still have the best hamburger of the Levante of Almeria…

On behalf of AquaVera, we would like to thank you for the support and trust of all our clients, users, workers, suppliers and other collaborators for having made it possible for us not to have a single positive case of COVID last season. The good work and compliance with the rules and recommendations by everyone made this great news possible.

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